Getting ready for any emergency means having the right tools at hand. A DIY first aid kit is not just a box of band-aids and some antiseptic; it’s your first line of defense in caring for injuries, big or small. This guide focuses on why being prepared matters—whether you’re at home or adventuring outdoors. You’ll… [Read More]
Essential Skills for Urban Survival: Navigating the Concrete Jungle
Living in big cities comes with its set of challenges, especially during disasters. Urban survival skills are practices that help people stay safe and maintain mental health in a crisis in the vast jungle of concrete—cities. With over 80% of the U.S. population calling major cities their home, mastering these skills is crucial for everyone’s… [Read More]
Building a Community Survival Plan: Collaboration in Crisis
Building a Community Survival Plan: Collaboration in Crisis is all about how people work together during hard times. This topic shows us that when businesses and society join hands, they can tackle big problems better. A great example is the Federación Nacional de Cafeteros de Colombia (FNC). In 2008, their CEO started a 10-year plan… [Read More]